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Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Really Here

I'm here, I'm really still here.

As most of you know - I've been a little broke. Ok, a little is not the correct term, but whatever. I'm broke. So on the grand list of things not so important - or more accurately, bills we don't exactly need to pay because we can live without it - was my Time Warner rip off bill. And so I had no Internet for a bit. Then my brother generously let me piggyback on his wireless connection, but it took a while to figure it out.

And the homeschooling thing is really taking a lot out of me. In a good way. I homeschool for about 5 hours a day. I have to really be on top of this because:

a. I can't let my son's education go down the drain. I had many reasons for homeschooling, and one of them was to help him catch up where the public school has failed me. So I homeschool a lot. A lot.

b. Here in New York he has to have a standardized test. So if I suck at this - the universe will know. And he'll be forced to go back to school.

Just to clarify - I don't have an issue with public schools. I have issues with a string of bad teachers combined with a string of overworked teachers. I also have issues with bullying, 8 years olds talking about having sex, and bus drivers that holler at my kid. Those things, along with the fact that my son's father (my ex-husband) committed suicide last May...well. Yeah.

I am still here. Promise. But I have to cut back my posting time a little. Think I'll commit to 2 times a week, and one day a week for making blog rounds and commenting. That's a minimum, so if I'm up to doing more - I will.

Thanks for stickin' around....see you later.


  1. I hope things get better for you guys. ((HUGS))
    I understand what you mean about the public school system. I wish I could home school here in Australia, it's hard when your kids come home and repeat some of the stuff other children have told them, and to know it starts so early, my youngest is in pre school, she is 5 this week, and oh boy! Some of the kids in her class, wow!
    Hang in there :) you will do just fine.

  2. I teach and have a little boy who is just entering into Kindergarten. My husband and I look at how the school system's experiment on kids education. They want a magic wand to magically fix them so they perform on the state test...well no it doesn't work that way. Kids have to learn their basic facts long division is a nightmare without them...oh wait I'm not blogging I'm supposed to be supporting you ;) Good luck. It'll be hard but I totally get it! {{big internet hugs}}

  3. Your life seems to be very, very challenging at the moment. I know, what it means to be homeschooling. Have done it also for several years, because our children couldn't go to the chinese school here. But believe me, you are investing into the life of your son. He will thank you for that later. Try to encourage him by telling him how great he is doing (even if he just makes little, little progress).
    I hope, you have some friends who also support you emotionally.
    A big hug from chaquenha

  4. Glad to see you back! I hope things smooth out for you. Public schools are a scary place, and I think it is great that you make the time to home school your son. I think in the long run, he will be better for it. Look forward to your next post. Peace.

  5. Glad to see you're still here! Hope things start to calm down for you. Can't wait to see what you post next :)

  6. Wow, sounds like you've had a lot going on! We'll be here when you get back properly.


Be nice. Or I will find you and sic my pet zombie on you.